Where is the known_hosts file?

I’ve been looking for the known_hosts file for duplicacy web edition. I saw on another post it was mentioned to be in `.duplicacy-web/repositories/localhost/all/.duplicacy/known_hosts but I don’t have anything here.

I have the following error Failed to create the sftp client: ssh: handshake failed: The host key for ‘my ip here’ has changed

I am running it on Ubuntu running from the deb package.
Thanks in advance!

.duplicacy-web/repositories/localhost/0/.duplicacy/known_hosts ?

What deb package?

Apologies the installer package from the site.
Thinking about it I don’t think there is another install method anyway.

Does anyone have any idea where this hosts file is please or need anymore info on my setup?


Done some more digging on this and tried clearing keys with:

ssh-keygen -R

With no luck. Also removed the entries from the default known_hosts file within my user’s home directory with no luck.
I’m still getting, Failed to create the sftp client: ssh: handshake failed: The host key for ‘my ip here’ has changed

So it seems like I just need to delete the host key to have it allow the new one but I can’t for the life of me find where the key is stored with Duplicacy.

Check the backup log (by clicking on the status). The first line should be like this:

Running backup command from /Users/user/.duplicacy-web/repositories/localhost/0 to back up /Users/user/duplicacy

This tells you that the repository directory is /Users/user/.duplicacy-web/repositories/localhost/0 and you should be able to find the known_hosts file under /Users/user/.duplicacy-web/repositories/localhost/0/.duplicacy.

Thanks I’ll check this when I can, I think I only have localhost and restores in the repository’s directory from memory.
I’ll check the logs and report back.

How about the first question?

Did you check /0/? Is not known hosts file there?

Seems the logs have gone as I removed the storage to try re adding it when messing with removing the key from the user hosts file. Are they stored anywhere else?
I don’t have a localhost/0/ directory just localhost, in side this is all and restore directorys.

Apologies I’m still pretty early in my ubuntu learning.

Try to the run backup job again and you should get a new log.

I removed the storage when trying to fix this so the job no longer exists and I can’t re add the storage with this issue.

My bad should of grabbed the logs first.