Copy command details

   duplicacy copy - Copy snapshots between compatible storages

   duplicacy copy [command options]

   -id <snapshot id>            copy snapshots with the specified id instead of all snapshot ids
   -r <revision> [+]            copy snapshots with the specified revisions
   -from <storage name>         copy snapshots from the specified storage
   -to <storage name>           copy snapshots to the specified storage
   -download-limit-rate <kB/s>  the maximum download rate (in kilobytes/sec)
   -upload-limit-rate <kB/s>    the maximum upload rate (in kilobytes/sec)
   -threads <n>                 number of uploading threads
   -download-threads <n>        number of downloading threads
   -key <private key>           the RSA private key to decrypt file chunks
   -key-passphrase <passphrase> the passphrase to decrypt the RSA private key

The copy command copies snapshots from one storage to another storage. They must be copy-compatible, i.e., some configuration parameters must be the same. One storage must be initialized with the -copy option provided by the add command.

Instead of copying all snapshots, you can specify a set of snapshots to copy by giving the -r options. The copy command preserves the revision numbers, so if a revision number already exists on the destination storage the command will fail.

If no -from option is given, the snapshots from the default storage will be copied. The -to option specified the destination storage and is required.

The -key and -key-passphrase options are needed if the source storage is encrypted by an RSA key.

A post was split to a new topic: Copy command should have a -stats flag

Is this a right command to use in the scenario when I want to stop using one old storage and copy snapshots to a new (copy-compatible) storage? Once everything is copied over can I just continue backing up to a new storage and abandon the old one since new one is not dependent on old one in any way?

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Yes, it is perfectly suited for this scenario. Just be careful not to perform any backups - or other operations - to your old storage while copying. If that happens just make the copy again and only the new snapshots / chunks will be copied.

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Seeking advise on backup migration (copying)