Dashboards are not showing backup stats

Similar problem to this post, but didn’t want to reply to a 2yr old post.

I have basically changed all the backups in my Duplicacy install in one way or another: I removed schedules and added new ones, removed and added storage locations, removed and added backup jobs. After all that (and sometime during, I noticed), my dashboard isn’t showing any new points of backup status. I tried removing the contents of the /cache folder and restarted Duplicacy, which didn’t seem to help.

Is there anything else I can try?

Did you run check? Stats are updated by check

Yes, I’ve run them 3 times now after clearing the /cache, still not updating.

Delete (move away) stuff from stats folder too. Perhaps some permissions issues. I don’t remember if stats folder is under cache or not.

Hmm, well I did that - (moved the contents of that /stats folder someplace else. Restarted Duplicacy, and then ran check a couple times. Still no stats on dashboard, and there are no new files created under /stats after that.

If there was a way to reinstall the entire app and keep or restore all the storage locations and encryption info, I’d be down for that. I just finished uploading like 30TB to B2, and would really hate to do that all over again. Although with my fast connection, it’s just a few days.

Is the folder writable by the user duplicacy runs as?

Yep, it looks that way:

config # cd cache
/config/cache # touch foo
/config/cache # cd ../stats/
/config/stats # touch foo
/config/stats # rm foo
/config/stats # mkdir foo
/config/stats # touch foo/foo
/config/stats # ls
/config/stats # 

Wait, hang on. there is some perm issue, but I’m not able to reproduce it when getting a docker console:

2024/03/02 21:07:45 Set current working directory to /cache/localhost/all
2024/03/02 21:08:10 Failed to save the storage stats: open /home/duplicacy/.duplicacy-web/stats/storages/2024-unraid-photovids.stats: permission denied
2024/03/02 21:08:10 Failed to save the schedule stats: open /home/duplicacy/.duplicacy-web/stats/schedules/Check Only.stats: permission denied
2024/03/02 21:08:21 GET /schedule


/var/log # cd /home/duplicacy/
/home/duplicacy # ls
/home/duplicacy # ls -al
total 4
drwxr-sr-x    1 duplicac duplicac        28 Sep 25 21:22 .
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root            18 Sep 25 21:22 ..
lrwxrwxrwx    1 duplicac duplicac         8 Sep 25 21:22 .duplicacy-web -> /config/
/home/duplicacy # cd .duplicacy-web/
/home/duplicacy/.duplicacy-web # touch foo
/home/duplicacy/.duplicacy-web # rm foo
/home/duplicacy/.duplicacy-web # ls
bin             cache           duplicacy.json  filters         keyring         licenses.json   logs            machine-id      settings.json   stats
/home/duplicacy/.duplicacy-web # cd stats
/home/duplicacy/.duplicacy-web/stats # mkdir storages
/home/duplicacy/.duplicacy-web/stats # cd storages/
/home/duplicacy/.duplicacy-web/stats/storages # touch foo.stats
/home/duplicacy/.duplicacy-web/stats/storages # 

Trying to find out

You are logging into container as super user, of course creating a folder will succeed.

Check with ls -al who owns the folder and contents.

ls -al /home/duplicacy/.duplicacy-web/

Which container are you using?

Likely the container is running duplicacy under a limited user, not root.

Post your container launch command too.

I realized that as soon as I hit “Repy”… Well I kind of went on my own thing…but you pointed me in the right direction. I think I know what happened. I was trying to view some logs from the SMB mount to Windows from Unraid and hit a permission error, so stupid me, I changed permissions on probably more files than I should have.

So, I copied out the important bits (*.json files, keyring, machineid) and then just reinstalled, copied those back over and now I’m seeing stats populate.

Normally if I can get into the docker container shell, I thought that was the user Duplicacy runs under, but you’re right, it’s got it’s own user in there. This is an Unraid app/container, so I don’t have direct access to the launch commands, unless I reinstall, which I did, but didn’t copy them out.

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