Exlusions to backup not working

how to you excluded thumbs.db and .ds_store in the web gui version

I have went in the backup tab and added

they still seem to backup regardless

2019-07-15 15:02:22.904 INFO SNAPSHOT_FILTER Loaded 10 include/exclude pattern(s)
2019-07-15 15:10:23.957 INFO BACKUP_THREADS Use 16 uploading threads
2019-07-15 15:11:50.237 INFO UPLOAD_FILE Uploaded Chattel/Jobs Current/Beverly Hills - Eskijian, Naira - 426-428 South Roxbury Drive/Files from client/Thumbs.db (192000)

The patterns are case-sensitive. In fact, if you only want to exclude these two files then you don’t need regular expressions:


so you use a dash and not the e: ? or are they interchangeable


  • minus (-) and its counterpart plus (+) - use Wildcard matching. They are sort of ad-literam patterns, only allowing a * for “match anything”.

  • i: and e: are used for Regex matching

i shall try now and see what happens…

i was following your guide on excluding temp files… it seemed e: was the way to go

for me e: is the way to go (regexp), but your version was wrong.

2019-07-15 15:11:50.237 INFO UPLOAD_FILE Uploaded Chattel/Jobs Current/Beverly Hills - Eskijian, Naira - 426-428 South Roxbury Drive/Files from client/Thumbs.db (192000)

As you can see, the file that was uploaded is Thumbs.db and not thumbs.db
If you check for example my filters file:

you can see that i am using


which looks a little bit complicated because i’m trying to not exclude “possibly useful files”. See here what i’m matching: regex101.com.

What you need at minimum for the regexp version is:


more specifically: (?i) which sais: make this case insensitive.

Note: I don’t think using the second regex is safe and you can also test it at the link above and see what this matches compared to the one in my filters. (imo it matches too many files which may actually be needed in the backup)