I see a few issues here:
2023/07/10 18:35:26 Failed to list the directory '': googleapi: Error 403: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Queries' and limit 'Queries per minute' of service 'drive.googleapis.com' for consumer 'project_number:243147021227'.
This is a limit you will be occasionally hitting because of the all credentials are issued from the same google project. You can workaround this by using your own google project, you can search forum for instructions, but this does not seem to be the issue at hand now.
The recent issue is this:
2023/08/06 17:17:37 Failed to save the preferences file: open /cache/localhost/all/.duplicacy/preferences.8b763a1b: stale NFS file handle
Duplicacy-web cannot save a preference file for the CLI to run on.
Are you using a docker container? What folder is mounted into /cache? There seems to be some NFS issue, I would reboot your unRAID and see if this fixes the problem.
Have a look at this: unraid "stale NFS file handle" at DuckDuckGo