How does email_summary work?

I don’t see any reference to “email_summary” on the forum yet. I tried setting it to ‘true’ in duplicacy.json but i didn’t see any difference in the email i was sent

edit turns out the emails don’t even send when i changed email_summary: ‘true’

edit2 turns out i didn’t log back into the UI after restarting with the the summary config enabled so the passphrase wasn’t cached. I’ve added the DWE_PASSWORD environment variable to my container and i’ll retest pls ignore me for now.

edit3 with the DWE_PASSWORD sorted, my backup did run on schedule and the email i was sent was exactly the same as previous emails regardless of email_summary either true or false. is it possible that this variable doesn’t do anything in the current version?

Right, this variable has no effect currently. It was supposed to send out a short summary in the email but it never got implemented.

I think the report for each job (Send report to https://) provides a good summary:


I think the report for each job (Send report to https://) provides a good summary:


Does email_summary work yet? It sure would be nice if the notification emails were trimmed down some.

Solution here: Email report is very verbose by default, can i reduce that?