Invalid or Expired License


I’m getting a “Invalid or Expired License” on the schedules.
I have purchased a Personal License and have the activation code…

How do I go about activating the License, using the activation code I have received for the Web GUI version 0.2.10 I’m using on Linux.

Thanks alot

Cheers pdaemon

@pdaemon did you try activating your license by clicking the link (saying either “trial” or “expired”) next to the localhost label on the Backup page?

Hi @gchen,

Thank you very much. All activated.

It didn’t really stand out so I didn’t know this is where you could activate the license.

An option maybe to put a banner at the top of the page when the license expires so you can see if more easily? Sort of like those banners you see about cookies being used on a website?

Thanks for the help.

Cheers pdaemon