Machine A has been backing up to Hard Drive #1 (HD1). Machine A is now no longer functioning. I want to restore files from HD1 to Machine B, which has its own Duplicacy install. I’m a light Duplicacy user. I haven’t done many restores from Duplicacy. I have no experience with the CLI. I’ve never done a restore from a Hard Drive that isn’t already known to Duplicacy. And I’m basically terrified of screwing this up.
I’d prefer to use the GUI if possible, but I’ll take what I can get at this point. I gather I need to make the storage known to Duplicacy. Can I do this from the GUI using “add a new storage”? It wants to do an init, but it’s difficult to get myself comfortable that this won’t erase all my backups. The storage is encrypted, but I do have the key.
Basically if I can get the first few steps of this operation, preferably in the GUI, I’d be most thankful.