Question on onsite backup copied to Backblace B2 - chunks not the same

In this screen shot, the bottom storage is my onprem backup on my unraid system. The top screen shot is where I applied the copy command to send it to BB-B2.

Should I expect the chunks to be the same count ?
When I configured the copy, this is all I did was check the box and select the compression at the same level I set up the on prem backup

I am also if I didn’t set the copy right, I am testing trying to restore from the BB-2 where I sent a copy of the backup, and it just shows me what is in the bucket vs the files to pick from.

my assumption I did not do the copy correctly.

Looks like instead of copying task you have ran backup task on the duplicacy local datastore

Now you have a backup of a backup instead of a copy of the backup.

Can you show the screenshot of the job you ran to transfer the data?

that is what I thought … LOL

No job, when I created the storage, I selected my compatible like in the above screen shot then hit run it manually to let it run.

I just hit run from here with not scheduled job.

This is from the backup screen

I am wondering if I just needed to add this option ?


That screenshot is where you initialized storage. Then to run actual transfer you would have selected the schedule, or task, or whatever it is called. When you create the task, the default task is “backup”. Did you change that selector to “copy”?

that is the thing, I never created a task, I just hit the play button manually.


Thanks for the tips, I see where I messed up. I should have tested with a smaller data set before going with 1 TB … LOL

Here are my update steps and it worked perfectly.

I see. Yes, that’s backup. It’s a shortcut to run backup without creating a schedule.

You want to create a schedule for copy task instead and then run it manually (uncheck all seven days in the schedule screen and it will not run automatically)

I would delete that data from b2 bucket and the storage you have added in the duplicacy and start over. Or you can delete the revisions and run prune -exhaustive. But since you have just started, nuking the bucket will be easier.

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exactly what I did !! LOL Yeap I just deleted it and started over. Above is the results of testing it with a smaller data set

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