Same storage multiple hdd

I have one local mount for my backup external HDD. I would like to swap the HDD once a month. Is it feasible to use the same mount path for both the storage? Or the way is to create a second storage and a whole second schedule?
Thank you for your advice.

I think you can. The only problem with swapping storages is that locally cached snapshot files may be inconsistent with what is in the remote storage. But the cache isn’t enabled for local-disk storages, so this problem won’t happen.

Another aspect is that the revisions of the two HDDs will not have the numbering aligned. For example, if on HDD 1 you have 4 revisions, when you make a new backup you will generate revision number 5. If you then switch to HDD 2, which has - say - only 2 revisions, the next backup to be generated in HDD 2 will have revision number 3, but it will be more recent than backup revision 5 on HDD 1.

Therefore, revisions should never be copied between these HDDs.

If that’s not an issue for you, then ok. I do this myself with two HDDs, rotating to always have one off site.

Thank you for your answer. One question though I have just recently renamed the mount path (alias the destination) of the backup. After this the whole backup procedure took another days, because all the files needed to be re-hashed (as answered in this thread WebUI rename storage, backup takes very long). Wouldn’t this be an issue? When is duplicacy rereading the chunks and re-hashing the stuff?