Using minio for storage - certificate problems, etc

Duplicacy looks really robust, and am looking at moving to it for my part of my backup strategy.

I found this post and this post that didn’t quite answer my question.

For context: I’m running MinIO in a Docker container on a Synology NAS. I also have it running on TrueNAS on a different server.

I downloaded the duplicacy gui, and was able to do a small backup to an external drive. I was unable to configure my minio servers as storage.
I switched to the cli and used the -d option as suggested, but it didn’t really add any helpful information.

(base) ➜  Databases duplicacy -d init dbtest minios://none@
Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_S3_ID
Enter S3 Access Key ID:<deleted>
Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_S3_SECRET
Enter S3 Secret Access Key:<deleted>
Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_S3_ID
Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_S3_SECRET
Failed to download the configuration file from the storage: RequestError: send request failed
caused by: Head x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs
(base) ➜  Databases

If I try the server on my other computer, the error is the same, save for the IP address being different.

I’ve also tried different values for the region, but as far as I know, MinIO doesn’t have regions in its configuration.

I’ve also tried using minio, instead of minios.

(base) ➜  Databases duplicacy -d init dbtest minio://none@
Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_S3_ID
Enter S3 Access Key ID: <deleted>
Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_S3_SECRET
Enter S3 Secret Access Key: <deleted>
Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_S3_ID
Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_S3_SECRET
Failed to download the configuration file from the storage: Failed to parse the config file: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value

Using minio and appending the port number (9000) gives this error:

Failed to download the configuration file from the storage: BadRequest: Bad Request
	status code: 400, request id: , host id:

Both of these servers work with Arq using https and the port number.

Edit to add: I can use the interface for both MinIO installs from my browser with https without certificate (or other) errors.

Thanks for any insight!

macOS 11.6 (20G165), duplicacy cli 2.1.2 (2e5cbc), duplicacy web edition 1.5.0
Synology: MinIO: VERSION 2020-03-19T21:49:00Z PLATFORM Host: minio | OS: linux | Arch: amd64 RUNTIME Version: go1.13.8 | CPUs: 4
TrueNAS: VERSION 2021-04-06T23:11:00Z PLATFORM Host: truenas.local | OS: freebsd | Arch: amd64 RUNTIME Version: go1.16.4 | CPUs: 4

IIRC I had to set region to “us-east-1” for it to work. Even though yes, there were not supposed to be regions… it was long ago, so maybe I’m wrong.

(Side note — backup to minio on Synology performance was horrendous, and I eventually switched back to sftp. Also — extra layer that can fail)

Edit: found in my notes:


$ export DUPLICACY_MINIO_S3_SECRET=Tyk9Dl4efDIjJsO9NCq4z0fzkbKmUI3RzPQy8pCL


$ duplicacy -d add -e -copy tuchka minio alexmbp  minio://us-east-1@synobox.local:9000/duplicacy

Thanks for this @saspus.
Perhaps I’ve been solving the wrong problem.
I’m giving sftp a try now. Performance to my Synology is good so far, at about 110MB/s over 1Gb ethernet.

Make sure to add extra / before the path avoid hitting weird and wonderful issues… because it’s Synology… e.g. sftp://user@syno.local//Backups

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