Cannot re-connect to one drive storage

Hello team:

I initialized my one drive earlier and uploaded about 400 GB of my data. There were few incremental backup. Today I saw in my schedule the back up failed for yesterday with error:

2022-05-04 16:00:01.466 INFO STORAGE_SET Storage set to one://BACKUPS/Duplicacy
2022-05-04 16:00:01.467 ERROR STORAGE_CREATE Failed to load the OneDrive storage at one://BACKUPS/Duplicacy: invalid character '1' after top-level value
Failed to load the OneDrive storage at one://BACKUPS/Duplicacy: invalid character '1' after top-level value

What did it mean? Any guidance, I am a complete beginner here.

Thank you

This may be the same issue as ERROR STORAGE_CREATE Failed to load the OneDrive.

The workaround is to re-download the token file by visiting OneDrive for Duplicacy.

Hi gchen: Thank you for your prompt response. I re-downloaded the token. I guess next step is to replace the old token and restart my docker. I am using duplicacy-web in unraid docker. Do you know the location where I need to replace it. Few guidance would be really helpful.

Thank you,

The easiest would be delete OneDrive storage and add it back again using new token file and give it the same name.

new token fixed the issue.
May be I deleted the token before (or got misplaced at different location), can that cause issue? Just want to make sure I do not encounter same issue again.

Thank you both.

Yes, this is a long standing issue. Duplicacy instead of saving the token file contents, saves and encrypts(!) path to the token file. Which breaks most people workflow, who download to ~/Downloads folder, feed it to Duplicacy, and nuke that file, rightfully expecting Duplicacy to have ingested its contents.

The workaround would be to manually move the token to ~/.duplicacy_web or other persistent config directory and only then provide it to duplicacy.

I would report it as a design flaw and UX bug.

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