Help understanding Web Edition on Linux

I’m trying to shift my workflow and expectations away from running duplicacy strictly from the command line and scheduling backups via manual crontab entries.

  1. What is the best practice for where to place the duplicacy binary on Linux?
  2. Do backups still run even if the web server isn’t running?
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Stick it into /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin.

Backups only run with the web server on, or with cli.

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Here are some more instructions related to running the web-ui on Linux:

And I’ll also mention this topic, even though it is not about the web-ui but about the cli under linux:

it would be nice to add these docs to the getting start guide. I doubt that many people will find it here

Is it possible to choose where the .duplicacy-web folder will be created? I am running the executable as service and the folder is created under /.duplicacy-web. Not a good place for that files…

I’m going to resurrect this thread… I have the same question as @Steve22:

Is it possible to choose where the .duplicacy-web folder will be created? I am running the executable as service and the folder is created under /.duplicacy-web. Not a good place for that files…

Yes. Define HOME variable and point it to a folder you want .duplicacy_web to be created in.

Oops I had it but had it set to the wrong static value. Thanks! Where are all the environmental variables documented at?

I don’t think they are, but in this case duplicacy creates the folder under user’s home — so defining home to be wherever you want is pretty universal, not specific to duplicacy

I gotcha. Maybe @gchen can post a sticky/how-to regarding envvars as far as which ones Web edition and the CLI use, especially since web edition seems to be closed source and I can’t go look for myself. It would be good to specifically detail the communication between web edition and the CLI.