How does password variable work?

password_variable: the environment variable that holds the master password; defaults to `DWE_PASSWORD’

So let’s say I’ve already chosen my master password and then I decide to customize the web GUI. Will the master password be overwritten by password_variable in the config file? I left it blank but I’m worried that it will still overwrite the master password I already chose.

How does it work exactly?

The master password is used to encrypt all credentials you enter in the web GUI (including storage passwords). The storage password is used to encrypt a particular storage. They are different.

Yeah, that makes sense. Sorry if this is obvious and I’m completely missing it, but I don’t think that answers my question. I want to know if running a customized version of Duplicacy has a different master password than the one I already set before I customized the web GUI. Does "password_variable" take precedence over the master password I already created? Should I leave it blank? Am I misunderstanding what the string does?

    "product_version": "1.0",
    "product_name": "S3Backup",
    "product_full_name": "S3Backup",
    "product_website": "",
    "company_name": "S3Backup LLC",
    "company_website": "",
    "service_description": "An S3 backup tool based on Lock-Free Deduplication",
    "configuration_directory": "s3backup",
    "configuration_file": "s3backup.json",
    "log_file": "s3backup.log",
    **"password_variable": "S3BACKUP_PASS",**
    "storages": "disk s3"

Sorry I wasn’t paying attention to the customization part.

Setting DWE_PASSWORD doesn’t overwrite your existing master password. Its purpose is to skip the master password confirmation page so you don’t need to enter the master password when the web GUI starts up.

When you set password_variable to a different value it only means the master password will be read from a different environment variable. It won’t overwrite the existing master password (in fact you can’t change your master password once it has been chosen).

Ah okay! Thank you so much!

Is this normal?

Failed to marshal the configuration: json: error calling MarshalJSON for type main.StorageCredentials: No master password provided

Also, I followed your instructions from this thread where you said to run a check to generate the stats file. It definitely worked (I see the stats in the web GUI and it generated the files at the specified path) but I still get these messages in the log?

Failed to read the stat file for storage 'google-drive': open C:\Users\Code/.duplicacy-web/stats/storages/google-drive.stats: The system cannot find the file specified.
Failed to read the stat file for storage 'local': open C:\Users\Code/.duplicacy-web/stats/storages/local.stats: The system cannot find the file specified.

This means the master password has not been entered when a schedule is about to run.

Not sure about this one. Can you check if these 2 files are already there?

Entered where? Like in the config file or the web GUI? What I really want to know is if this message means I made a mistake or if I need to take some kind of action, or if it can safely be ignored.

Yes, they are. I don’t understand why it says they aren’t lmfao

A different executable is set to run on start: C:\Users\Code\AppData\Local\DuplicacyWebEdition\nzxt-backup_1.0.exe -background

And I overlooked this one. I’m not sure if it has any connection to the others, but I renamed the exe file, ticked the ‘start on login’ option, before then renaming it again to something else. I know, that wasn’t a good idea in hindsight. How can I fix it so it’s not trying to run an exe that doesn’t exist anymore?

Usually the web GUI can retrieve the master password from keychain/keyring, or from the environment variable DWE_PASSWORD. If neither is available or a wrong password is provided, then you’ll need to open the web GUI and you’ll see the page to enter the master password.

The registry key is under Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.

I’m logged into the web GUI, so why is it throwing this error?

There’s only 2 keys and neither of them are for Duplicacy. Are you sure that’s where it would be?

That error was likely spewed before you logged into the web GUI.

Check under HKCU not HKLM. That is the full path is HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.