Trying to add my local SFTP server as a storage for Duplicacy. Unfortunately it doesn’t appear to support the ciphers that my SSHD server is offering - when trying to add the SFTP server in the Web-UI, I get the following error when trying to choose a directory:
Failed to create the sftp client: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unknown cipher "aes256-cbc", only supports "aes256-ctr"
This is unfortunate, as I have followed a guide to harden my SSH server to make it safe for external WAN access, but clearly in the process of hardening it, I have disabled the ciphers that Duplicacy likes to use.
This is the first time I’ve had trouble accessing my SSH or SFTP server, as I have used both SSH and SFTP on many apps on both MacOS and iOS, so it’s a shame Duplicacy doesn’t appear to support the same range of ciphers that many others do.